The shock of discovery
Are there any accounts on your credit file, you do not know? This is not a rare event, and there are two techniques for fast credit repair, you can easily use to correct the situation. But before you do something you should do some homework.
It is important to understand the cause of the Court's secret before you remove the technology of credit repair it. A common cause of unknown accounts as a mistake and is aware of merging files, although simple in appearance similar, such as identity theft and simple, it is considerably less problematic and easier to heal.
Matching problems
File merge errors occur if you and another person the same characteristics are identified. Agencies, the accounts are included in your credit report, specific criteria for identification. This adjustment should not be perfect. In fact, if several criteria are a match, the algorithm can ignore other contradictory criteria.
All in the Family
The siblings are particularly vulnerable to error merge files, as parents often have a social security number for their children request the same time. This gives the social security numbers, which often differ only by a few numbers. Add a common last name, address and may be the common dwelling and credit reports of the two brothers virtually assured of mixing and requires credit repair.
Other cases
The brothers and sisters are not the only people who need credit repair for this problem. There are over three hundred million people in the United States. When you consider that there are a finite number of common names, street names, and many are repeated from city to city, the odds almost guaranteed that a large number of false hits occur.
put to the test
The standard error merging files is easy. Everything you need to do is, to a creditor for an unknown account, and ask her if it's yours. You will ask your name and address or any information that they need to find the account. If they say they have no history of such an account in your name and not reporting to credit agencies, it is a mistake to merge files.
The Fix Credit Repair
The process of credit repair is simple. Everything you need to do is to surround the offending items on your report, send a letter to the Office based on data including the poor, and ask them to stop the misinformation. They tighten the criteria for matching and to ensure that there is a perfect match of critical information identification.
More Results
If the creditors call with a confirmation that the account is in your name, you need a different technique to use credit repair satisfaction. The first step is a fraud alert on your application package to add, to put all the potential creditors, before approving a credit to your name in connection. The second step is to visit your local police station to report the crime.
The Act
The police gave you a written report, you need to stop reporting agencies with a request to send all the fraudulent invoices. The Fair Credit Reporting Act offices are blocking the bad news and start a proper investigation. In the short term offer this method of credit repair relief, and once the investigation is on the account must be wrong party for good.