"Credit card fraud?
In December 2003 my husband's ex-wife opened a credit card at Capital One side his cross, while he was stationed in Korea, she had listed the e-mail address as a PO box in his hometown. He could not find anything on this credit card until we tried to buy a house and was on his credit file. They pledged to the order of $ 150 on the card between the time it was opened in February 2004, and now we are told he has around $ 1000.00 to pay to win his credit. Are in the vicinity of legal, we can flee, because we know nothing about this card? We can not afford to pay, since we should not, because it seems fraudulent, but we really have to take his best so that we can have a loan. We informed the company to make credit cards, and garbage, and you want something surrounded by full payment. Someone has the answers?
"Minor offenses" and credit reports?
Do not pay a bill (credit card on time but still the payment within one or two weeks, for example) or other "small crimes" such as spending more than my limit on my credit card to moderately good that we record is not a newspaper To this end, the report said. I wonder how long it takes to take such events in order to be removed from a credit report (ie if the points lost to pay an invoice will be CC few days too late, "returned")?
1. Credit period of confusion?
Once I started and have a stable income, I would like my first credit card. I am 15 years old and high school in the second year. I'll have a steady job and this summer did not follow the usual desperate to keep money, because I'm disorganized. I do not know whether it would be possible if my parents put in their name. I'll start with an appropriate and I would like a card with rewards points and to hold. As the quality of the card I choose is has? I am entitled to only one card of some form of price or form? If this is not good and I like a big idiot, please do not laugh at me or something. Thank you.
2 result Equifax appear?
I have a client I do for a home loan and when I pulled credit, it will show 4 instead of 3 There are 2 points Equifax shows only 2 different values. Why and how do I choose from one of them? Thanks
3 years ago, file, which I can not seem to be the main source of income and may be from my credit card again .. What can I do?
Has anyone a suggestion how to start from scratch and the corners of my credit score?
A loan besides this one?
Do you know where I need a loan if my work does not steal all the taxes that they can receive only cash wages. Since some where on earth has VOE? Ma is about 650
About Credit Points greedily upwards?
I have a friend, I help to make him raise his hand to an authorized user on some of my accounts. He has 40 singular points, since it 620th How many points on average, is a "story" very good add on credit card loan?
After the divorce, chalk bad credit in force, the requirement of a vehicle. Is a signatory to lend a hand? The parents will co-sign?.
I am an average of 2400 web have a month, but an impressive low due to a divorce. Do I need a guarantor for a loan?
All about almost all of these questions?
Questions about the new meters mark.I my credit, so, if some of these problems deeply seatedOnce ALL my credit cards are poorly paid in full, and I am not too good, my approach seems them.will credit or keep the same? AND.how long after I win a credit card rejected my guests for effect credit is? And how long does it take to apply no longer someone a lift to your credit score?
Tips for the renegotiation of the APR on credit cards and the extension of regulation to 0%?
I currently have Washingto Mututal credit card that still 0% April to September 2007. I have the card, but pay surround each month. When the 0% expires, the APR is up to 9.9%. I asked an American Express Blue Card due to the 0% pay up to 15 months. I received and the offer is only good for 6 months, so my last April to 19.23%. Can I re-negotiate the extension of the 0%-take with one of these cards? Any tips there? Is there also a way to constantly renegotiate my April with American Express, or should I cancel this card recently? (I am told, is an AMEX card, be polite, but I think the APR is ridiculous compared to my other cards!) These cards will only be used by emergency and content to pay, be fully or month. I was also contained by the area 730th Any suggestions would be appreciated!
Anyone can give or take a bit of Unifund collection agency?
I had a lazy dependent on a credit card with a symmetry of 4,500 in 2003. The credit card companies to call and let the package so I thought they were suspended. I am ready to buy a house if I get online to check my review and a report on the opening of a collection agency called Unifund in the amount of around9000 dollars. I've never been a note or a phone call from these people. It really hurt my credit. What should I do?
Someone knows illegal tips for raising credit score?
How do I get paid negative accounts removed? Is there a way to do it without having to wait years?
Apartment loan segment 2!?
OK, so I have e-mail apartment complex on my credit mark ... here so they sent me ... How can I save my credit is 581 -600 Avg My Fico ... what do you think are my chances of getting a little too ldeposit? This is their response "600, which you enjoy, is generally recorded as an average credit. You can expect to be approved, no minimum deposit a month and a half or a deposit if you have high credit ratings. If credit was only going to Bet on up to 3 years to see and share credit history. With you is a student in addition to a credit card and a car, you should appreciate, many established credit to qualify on their own. But if our credit ratings, we will not show backbone of a score, we have recently recognized a note as to what credit level you will be ranking for the title in question. The range of levels of rejection, full deposit, half deposit and minimum deposit. If everything as planned, you can expect receive less than half a month after filing the application, and minimum D
Applied on the Citibank credit card mtvU they want documentation?
Hello! Two questions. First, I asked for a credit card Citibank mtvU student, never had a credit card back and got an email a few days later requesting a copy of my student ID, the Bill paid tuition fees, phone bills and water bills, and if the phone is not in my name Surrounded, surrounded after a statement of my name / address. The first two I can do, no problem, but the telephone bills and electricity bills, I can not because I live on campus and have no telephone. Technically, I could ask my mother for the people, but I prefer to avoid a conflict if I have a ca.So: Do you think I can send the recent events in my bank statement next to my name / address correctly (and the first two ) or do I need to do something a certain way on the phone and utility bill.Two: they said that if they do not receive within 30 days applies, the application be withdrawn. If I take just disappear, my injury would have applied (and would be removed to it) see it as a rejection? And if so, I was a little different afterwards?
Applying for credit cards and determine any warning. Should I book online or over the phone? Now or later?
I have two different credit cards, one that I will be used for everyday purchases, because it is a brass 3% Back has a chance, and one that I will have an income without cheese or what I owe on my living room. I intend to use a card that has 0% APR for the first 15 billing cycles. I'll pay in a position to slightly acidic, surrounded by the $ 15 laps. I applied to return for a house with 3% brass end of the line now, and wants to go further and ask for 0% APR card in a minute so well. Questions: Is the request for two cards in such a short time a bad picture on my credit card? I'm more accepted if I apply online or over the phone? Is the application to understand more quickly to the phone-I, that if I apply online? For information, I am not aware that my credit score, but I have two credit cards. The main map is available within one month rewarded. The other card is a small business that I buy at Christmas to a TV. I have 18 months to have it off at 0%, but net monthly payments
Any accounts closing credit card?
One of my credit cards sent me a letter that because of "inaction", the account would be closed. Period. No possibility of re-initiate the use or not at all represented. Its closed and nothing can be done about it. Problems: 1) It is not this more or less making justified by the terms and conditions, 2) can still access the account of the vocabulary and the conditions on the website of the account to ensure, 3) the termination of my account Twist by credit score, and 4) the closure of the representation will take me the available credit in rationalization.3) and 4) are clearly harmful to me as a consumer, without any fault or performance of their own. The account will be surrounded by good quality, balance Zilch, in addition to a late payment and is always in the region of 6 years old.How the F &% Is this official? "
Are you ready to hand at home for a ranking of the 405 credit?
Me and my fiancee will be married May We always hope to buy a house, but I quickly learned that his credit score and .. im pretty sure that's not my adjective, not great. The saddest piece is what it is not even surrounded by debt that much recently, of 12,000 or more lil. anyhoo in'm wondering if moving around as a place for services in Ohio, which would possibly make a loan. We perform a second chance!
Credit daunting?
Ma is 630, not terrible, but I'm only 19 so I have not much credit anyway. I really do not want to get their hands on a credit card. I found it very difficult, and I know they can win the people contained a lot of problems. I do not know if I would even be able to pay the full sure thing every month. Is there a minimum on how much you use your credit card? Then you have one, then load maybe 100 and then not use it for a while? I want to create more credit, and I pay my bills on time. Established in the vicinity of another way to my credit.w / out directions on reciprocity bill next to someone?
Are legit credit repair companies and they really comfortable?
I'm trying to quickly increase my credit card rack. In the midst of a minute, I'm at 593-650 according to the agency. Thus, the repayment of the credit card that I am currently 5 (should be next to certain amounts in the range of 1,500-2,500), my corner of a large quantity? If not, will assist in the rehabilitation credit companies or they are basically a scam?
The companies are negotiating the moral guilt and useful? Someone to hold next to no experience?
I understand that this will affect my credit rating, but what accuracy of these companies to me, they are capable of their outstanding liabilities to credit cards to reduce by 40% +. Is this true or too good to be true?
How to improve my credit card, my card companies lower my interest rate and credit increase my credit tightening?
ST-650 and were on the road since I like a fool, if more than the minimum remuneration'm recently. I can find my prices very high interest. How to improve my credit card, companies, credit cards, lower my rate or I was in the vicinity of the prices they gave me when I signed? So, I know, they just may indicate that increasing your credit limit, but you had as a rule, do not ask to do it or are they usually do yourself? Thank you:)
Help scred winning side?
mine is 719th what is the plan. Can I apply for a loan of $ 3 000. Is Hank
Bankers ATTN: What is the worst and the best thing you ever saw?
Most of us are aware that FICO scores range from 300 to 850, with 300 reserved for persons of this page completely dedicated to the worst credit, and 850 people at an elite unshakable relationship with a credit card is definitely perfect. It is hard to get over 800 satisfied, tolerate 850.Has the only person (who works in Finance you) a score that is very close to a 300 or 850? If so, what kinds of things (accounts of collections, long cards, tons of credit, etc.), why their relationship with their evaluation is concerned, therefore extremely low or giant? I heard that it is possible to pick up a 300, but I do not think anyones ever seeing results "less than 420. Anyone?
Backround Check HELP!?
I have only set to part-time nanny. You want to make a backround FULL. What are they looking for, besides criminal produced stuff. I'm worried because I had a few years Colleage D's my students and I am not totally accurate.
CREDIT ill have after the age of 18 I am not the payments for brand names, etc., paid in one minute 20 I'm enjoying everything right in my full points?
I have a credit card after the age of 18 and I'm doing good on the payments of the first page, but since she was young and dumb-looking, I do not pay after a certain time and began to call the creditor, so that now in the 20th Adjectives and i own my debts paid in full with the exception of one or two who are here no less than $ 200, so that when everything is paid in the past, my sincerest congratulations good, or that my rose? Please let me know!
Bad Credit Loan needed?
I Have a> 550 or lower and want to pay $ 10,000 to his past release from the day hospital and other bills, so I have only a low monthly bill. Does anyone know a place to go, I enjoy cross consouling debt, and it still does not help. I have a job full time, but no security or at home. Is it somewhere I can go? Please help, I can no longer cause me and my 5 months old rivalry and support.
Credit bad loans?
Do you know whether it would firms, to me a loan of 30,000.00 on certain creditors to pay really sorry? I really do not want to the portfolio in bankruptcy, but he turns on us. This is disappointing, it is in the 400, and we have no equity. Please help before we lose everything!
Credit bad loans?
I have some charge offs and some of my accounts active judges is less than 500 i. I have a suitable job, but I will catch up if I am allowed to bring a guarantor with good credit, what I am really. Or should I clean my husband, the credit application with a desperate full-time students and co-signatories.
Bad credit motorcycle financing of comfort?
My Experian is 515 Recently, I received a car loan for $ 16,000 and an unsecured MasterCard. I like trying to restore my credit card. There is a destiny, I can take a loan of $ 2,000 received - $ 3,000 for a used motorcycle? And when I pull funded by Suzuki or Kawasaki?
Bad credit rack up. Paid debt sour allmy deep breath and enjoy the change. I'm supposed to generate $ 4000 / month.Can buy a house?
I have a credit score possible. I cleared all my debts and sour deep liquidity. I gross) over $ 4,000 per month (after taxes. Knowin there will be some time to make a loan to buy a house dictated to adopt clean, if I have a high deadweight of standard, have the great interest rate?